La Caja China Says Aloha to Hawaii

Ace Hardware to carry famous pig roasting box on the Big Island & Kauai


la caja china luau roast

Hosting a luau for friends and family to celebrate the warm sun and bloom is a great way to kick off the summer season. Fresh fruit, vivid leis and soft ukulele music are great to have, but no luau is complete without some delicious roasted pork. La Caja China roasting boxes are perfect for any size luau and make incredible pork in half the time. But in order to properly cook your meat and savor the taste, you must first understand the history of the traditional Hawaiian luau.


The traditional Hawaiian luau was actually the result of a major cultural change made in Hawaii almost 200 years ago. In ancient Hawaii, men and women were separated at meals and not allowed to enjoy delicacies reserved only for royalty, such as bananas and pork. However, in 1819, King Kamehameha II removed all religious law practiced in the islands, therefore allowing men and women to eat meals together. Quiet dinners became group gatherings and then became large celebrations, which eventually led to the lū‘au.
Today’s luaus are vibrant, colorful and filled with the aroma of sweet pork and fresh fruit. Although traditional luaus cook the whole pig in a hole in the sand, our BBQ box allows it to be cooked above ground, which is more convenient and easier for cleanup. With resting coals on top and an insulated aluminum-lined box, the heat is retained inside so that the pig cooks thoroughly without losing any juices. The flavors are locked in, the skin is crispy and golden and the meat is succulent.  Luau food is usually served buffet style, however, some guests can hardly wait as they line up at the front of our pig roaster, also known as a Cajun microwave. Long grain rice, Hawaiian sweet potatoes and haupia, a Hawaiian coconut milk-based dessert, are also great side additions to the party.


Although the side dishes are important, there is nothing more vital to a luau than a juicy, roasted pig. The La Caja China pig roasting box is the perfect way to evenly and professionally cook pork right in your backyard or on a sandy beach. And we are excited to announce that we are now officially available at eight different Ace Hardware locations in Hawaii! We wanted to share our pork roasting secrets and make our product more accessible to our customers, even those over four thousand miles away from our Miami, Florida, headquarters.


La Caja China created the roasting box in 1985 when we needed a faster way to cook pork. After working tirelessly to find the perfect cooking method, our roasting box is able to cook between 18-200 pounds of meat in about four hours! All you need now is some friends to dig in with you! Visit a participating Ace Hardware store and make La Caja China a part of your next Hawaiian luau.


Keaau Town Center
Keaau, Hawaii 96749


660 Kilauea Avenue
Hilo, Hawaii  96720
Captain Cook, Hawaii 96704


Ocean View, Hawaii 96737


1105 Kuhio Highway
Kapaa, Hawaii 96746


67-1149 Mamalahoa Highway
Kamuela, Hawaii 96743


4100 Rice Street
Lihue, Hawaii 96766


74-5500 Kaiwi Street
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740

La Caja China Says Aloha to Hawaii first appeared on

Recetas Inovadores y Deliciosas Para Navidades: Pierna Criolla a La Caja China

porkshoulderjpgAunque ya han terminado las fiestas Navideñas, ¡no significa que tenemos que dejar de cocinar!

Aquí en La Caja China nos encanta cocinar para la familia y los amigos. Esto puede ser difícil si tienes mucha familia y amigos, como nosotros, y tienes que adivinar qué cocinar para todos. Sin embargo, con tu Caja China, cocinar para mucha gente es fácil.

Este año nuevo queremos compartir con ustedes una de nuestras recetas favoritas: Pierna Criolla a La Caja China. Aunque no es lo tradicional, alimenta entre 8 y 10 personas y no toma mucho esfuerzo. ¡Todos se asombraran y halagan a tu cocina por ser innovadora y deliciosa!


•    1 hombro de puerco de 3.6 kilos
•    ½ kilo de jamón
•    1 botella de Malta
•    1 tasa de mojo
•    1 tasa de cáscaras de guayaba
•    1 tasa de ciruelas
•    4 cucharadas de adobo
•    2 tazas de azúcar morena
•    2 cucharadas de sal
Instrucciones para cocinar

1.    Separa el hueso del hombro y aplana la carne para que puedas enrollarla. Si el hombro de puerco tiene mucha grasa, se puede remover un poco.
2.    Marca la grasa con un cuchillo y marina el hombre por un mínimo de 12 horas en el mojo y adobo.
3.    Forra la carne con pedazos de jamón, bacón, y cáscaras de guayaba.
4.    Enrolla la carne con cuidado para mantener el relleno adentro.
5.    Amárralo firmemente con cuerda de carnicería.
6.    Cubre la carne con azúcar morena y media botella de Malta.
Instrucciones para el horno

1.    Cocina el hombro de puerco por una hora en el horno a 325 grados.
2.    Después de que pase la hora, cubre la carne con la otra mitad de la botella de Malta y cocínala por media hora más o hasta que tu carne tenga una temperatura de 180 grados.
3.    Deja y que carne se enfrié y luego córtala en trozos finos.
4.    Ponga los jugos de cocción en la carne.

Después de esto, ¡listo! Ya tiene uno de sus platos para la fiesta o reunión familiar. Pero no se le olvida que con La Caja China se puede hacer mucha comida distinta al mismo tiempo. De hecho, con La Caja China se puede cocinar 16-18 pollos, 4-6 pavos, 8-10 hombros de puerco, y mucho más.

Uno solo tiene que usar su imaginación.

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6 razones para regalar La Caja China estas Navidades

china roasting boxNo hay nada más importante que la familia durante las fiestas navideñas. Comemos con la familia, argumentamos con la familia, nos reímos con la familia, y sobre todo: celebramos con la familia, y damos gracias por estar juntos otro año más.


Cuando se ponga a pensar qué sería el regalo perfecto para la familia estas Navidades, lo primero que tiene que hacer es pensar en qué es lo más importante para usted y su familia, no solo esta temporada, pero todo el año. Aquí en La Caja China, la respuesta es simple: valoramos tiempo con la familia y agradecemos a todo que nos permite pasar más tiempo con ella.


La cuestión sobre el regalo perfecto puede ser difícil, pero para nosotros es fácil: un horno de asar La Caja China. No solamente te permite ponerte tu sombrero de chef, pero también te permite cocinar para mucha gente. Aquí les resumimos lo más destacado de nuestro horno de asar La Caja China y les explicamos por qué es el regalo perfecto para la familia estas Navidades.


1. Se puede cocinar un cochinillo (o un cordero, o una cabra) entero de 32 kilos sin problema

Nuestra empresa nació en una reunión familiar donde, por casualidad, estábamos cocinando un cochinillo entero. Es decir, estábamos tratando de cocinarlo. En la Navidad del 1985 el asado se estaba tardando mucho y fue entonces que el padre de nuestro presidente Roberto Guerra Jr. le menciono a Jr. la caja de asar que vio en el barrio chino de la Habana en el año 1955 que consistía de una caja de madera con una tapa de metal la cual tenía el carbón encima y asaba las carnes rápido y jugoso. Ahí fue donde decidieron crear su propia caja china.


La Caja China es un horno de asar grande y largo que usa un forro de aluminio para mantener una temperatura uniforme. Su diseño permite cocinar cochinillos, corderos y varias otras comidas sin problema. La temperatura uniforme permite que la comida se cocine más rápido. A diferencia de otros hornos de asar, La Caja China no necesita que usted esté atento a la comida todo el tiempo. No se necesita vigilar el carbón constantemente. Mirar el carbón una vez cada hora es suficiente. Esto permite que se relaje y que pase más tiempo con la familia.


2.    Se puede cocinar varias cosas al mismo tiempo
Si usted no quiere cocinar un cochinillo, en una La Caja China también se puede cocinar varias cosas diferentes. Por ejemplo, se puede cocinar 16-18 pollos enteros, 4-6 pavos, 8-10 hombros de puerco,  y muchas cosas más. Si quiere saber cómo cocinar algo, no dude en contactarnos. Es probable que ya lo hemos cocinado o si no lo hemos cocinado todavía, encontraremos una manera de hacerlo!


3.    Martha Stewart la ha usadopig roasting box

Una de nuestros momentos más orgullos fue cuando Martha Stewart usó una La Caja China en su programa de televisión. Esto nos permite acertar al mundo que nuestro horno de asar funciona bien y que es uno de los mejores hornos en el mercado. Si no se fían de nosotros, póngale atención a Martha Stewart, que le encantó La Caja China.


4.    No cuesta una fortuna como otros hornos de asar de la misma calidad
Quisimos hacer La Caja China asequible para todos, especialmente para familias. Una familia tiene muchas gastos y algunas no pueden permitirse un horno de asar. Nuestros modelos originales empiezan en $299.99. El más caro de estos modelos, que se puede usar para fiestas y también para restaurantes, cuesta $1,299.00.


5.    Dura 15-18 años si es cuidada
Puede estar seguro de que una La Caja China es una buena inversión porque durará por muchos años. Si se cuida, nuestros modelos pueden durar entre 15 y 18 años. Nuestras partes de repuesto también son muy económicas y todas se pueden encontrar en nuestra web.


6.    Es perfecta para las fiestas de Navidad, Año Nuevo, 4 de julio, etc.
Este es uno de los puntos más importantes. A muchas familias les da un dolor de cabeza cuando piensan en cómo van a cocinar para toda la familia y cuánto tiempo se va a tomar. Con un horno de asar La Caja China, no necesita preocuparse. Puede cocinar un cochinillo, un cordero, varios pollos, pavos, y lo que sea, sin preocupación, permitiéndole pasar más tiempo conversando con la familia y haciendo memorias.

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Side Dishes For A Smoked Pig

smoked-pigAre you roasting pig this weekend? Pair that crispy skin and tender meat with a delectable side dish to make the meal even more enticing! If you are running out of recipe ideas, worry no more because we’re serving up another batch of tasty side dishes today! Check out these treats we compiled just for you!

1. Barbecue Deviled Eggs

Put your eggs in a large saucepan and make sure that you only have one layer of them. Don’t put them on top of the other ones. Add water with a depth of 3 inches. Bring the water to a boil and cover the saucepan. Remove the saucepan from the stove and let it stand for approximately 15 minutes. Then drain the water and replace it with cold water and ice. Tap the eggs to break the shells then peel them under running water. Cut the boiled eggs in half and remove the yolks. Mash the egg yolks with mayonnaise until smooth. Add the pork, Dijon mustard, pepper, salt and hot sauce. Mix the ingredients well then spoon the mixture. Place it into the egg whites and garnish with paprika.

2. Root Beer Baked Beans

Cook your bacon in a skillet until they’re crisp. Drain the oil by putting the bacon on paper towels. Set aside about 2 tablespoons of the bacon fat. Afterward, crumble the bacon. Sauté the garlic and onions in the skillet with the bacon fat. Remove the skillet from heat then add the bacon, beans, rootbeer, dry mustard, barbecue sauce and the Tabasco sauce. Stir the ingredients well then put the mixture in a baking dish. Bake for approximately 55 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Creamy Parmesan Bacon Potatoes

Cook the bacon until they’re crisp. Drain the fat and once again, set it aside. Melt some butter with garlic olive oil in a skillet. Add the potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Cook the spuds for about 20 minutes until they’re almost crispy. Remove the potatoes from the skillet and keep them warm. For the sauce, get some of the bacon fat from the skillet. Add some whipping cream and simmer until the mixture is reduced. Finally, add some parmesan cheese and continue stirring until the mixture is smooth. Toss the potatoes in the sauce and serve.

4. Mississippi Hush Puppies

Combine self-rising flour, cornmeal mix and sugar in a large bowl. Create a well at the center. Get another bowl and combine the eggs, diced onion, milk, green bell pepper and jalapeno pepper. Once stirred completely, pour these ingredients into the well you’ve created in the other bowl. Continue stirring until everything’s well-blended. Put some oil into a large saucepan and pour some batter in it. Once cooked, drain hush puppies on paper towels and serve with the pig roast.

5. Cast Iron Skillet Corn Bread

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and put a skillet inside. While waiting, make the batter. Get a large bowl and combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cornmeal, salt and baking soda. Whisk the buttermilk in, the milk and the eggs. Whisk some butter, too. Remove the skillet from the oven and coat it with butter. Pour the batter into the skillet and then put it back into the oven. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

We hope that you loved our suggestions for smoked pig side dishes. Visit our blog page to get more pig roast side dish ideas, pig roast rub recipes as well as learn how to bbq a pig or how to use the pig thermometer. And remember, to serve the tastiest grilled dishes, only use the best barbecue grill in town!  Visit our website or call us at 1-800-338-1323 to get your La Caja China now!

Check out this delicious Cuban pork roast recipe we found on YouTube!

Side Dishes For A Smoked Pig first appeared on

How Long Does It Take To Roast A Whole Pig?

how long does it take to roast a whole pigRoasting a whole pig may be challenging for some but with the right equipment, a perfect marinade and helpful tools, you’ll be able to serve a lip-smacking treat that your friends and family will all love! Now we have always been asked by customers about the roasting time of a whole pig. We know that grilling such a big chunk of meat is quite time-consuming if we do it the traditional way. And that is why we take pride in our La Caja China boxes because they cook pigs to perfection while cutting the roasting time by almost half. This is what we want to talk about today. Read on and learn more about whole pig roasting!

How To Roast A Whole Pig

1. Place the marinated whole pig between the two racks. Be careful when hooking it up with the S-hooks and never poke the pig’s skin. The pig should face away from the handle racks.

2. Put the drip tray inside the box. Put the racks in, too. Follow up with the ash pan and then the charcoal grid.

3. Add the first batch of charcoal on the grid and light them all up. After about 20 to 25 minutes, they should be ready. Spread them all over the grid and mark this as the start of your roasting time.

4. After one hour, add another batch of charcoals. After another hour, add another batch again. The last batch of coals will be added after 30 minutes.

5. After 30 minutes since you put the last batch of charcoal, remove the ashes carefully. Put the charcoal grid on top of the long handles then flip the racks to turn the pig on its other side.

6. Score the pig’s skin. It’s time to make it crispy! After scoring the pig’s skin with a sharp knife, cover the La Caja China with the ash pan and charcoal grid again. Let the pig cook for another 30 minutes then peek into the box. Keep on looking inside every 10 minutes until the skin reaches your desired crispiness.

If you’ll follow our instructions above, it will take you only about 4 ½ to 5 hours to roast your whole pig. This time already includes the 20 to 25 minutes you’ll spend prepping the first batch of charcoals. Pretty fast compared to traditional roasting which takes about 8 to 9 hours, right?

How To Roast A Whole Pig Without The Skin

1. Put the pig between two racks and secure them using the 4 S-hooks that came with your La Caja China.

2. Put the drip tray in place then put the racks in there, too. Make sure that the pig is facing ribs side down. Attach your wired thermometer into the pig’s leg. Don’t let the probe touch the bone.

3. Put the ash pan and charcoal grid in place. Add the first batch of charcoals and light them all up. After 20 minutes, spread the coals on the grid evenly. Take note of this as the start of your cooking time.

4. After an hour, open the La Caja China. Remove the charcoal grid and ash pan then flip the pig over. This time, the pig’s ribs should face upwards. After flipping the pig, put the ash pan and grid back in place. Add another batch of charcoal.

5. After another hour, add another batch of charcoals. Keep on adding coals every hour until your thermometer displays 185 degrees Fahrenheit. Never open the box again until the pig reaches your desired temperature.

The time spent in roasting a whole pig without the skin may vary depending on how you grill it. If you’ll open the box every now and then, you’ll have a hard time reaching the desired temperature. But if you follow the instructions accordingly, you’ll spend just about 4 to 5 hours, too.

We hope your learned how long does it take to roast a whole pig from our blog today. Also check out our pig roast side dish ideas, criollo marinade, whole pig roast marinade, how to season a whole pig for roasting and barbecue dipping sauces. And remember, serve the tastiest grilled dishes by using only the best barbecue grill in town! Visit our website or call us at 1-800-338-1323 to get your La Caja China now!

Learn how you can get a 10% discount on your next La Caja China purchase! Watch our video now.

How Long Does It Take To Roast A Whole Pig? first appeared on

Cuban Hog Roast Menu Ideas For Your Backyard Party

Who can ever say no to a crispy, tender, flavorful and mouth-watering Cuban pig roast? If you’re planning for a backyard party this weekend, a perfectly roasted hog will truly make the event memorable. But do you know what will make the affair even more spectacular? An enjoyable menu that will compliment the star of the buffet! If you are in the blur and don’t know what to cook, try these suggestions.

A. Sauces For The Hog Roast

  1. Chimichurri Sauce

The chimichurri sauce is perfect not only for hog roasts but also for other types of grilled dishes. To make a delicious serving of this dip, simply combine red wine vinegar, fresh cilantro, cumin, olive oil, garlic cloves, salt, crushed red pepper and a puree of fresh Italian parsley.

  1. Papaya Mango Salsa

To give your roast a kick, prepare a refreshing and light serving of papaya mango salsa. The tropical flavors will give your menu a delightful twist. Just dice some papaya and ripe mangoes. Combine the fruits with minced garlic, chopped red onions, cider vinegar, black pepper, salt, cilantro leaves and currants.

B. Side Dishes

  1. Frijoles Colorados

Known to us as the popular Cuban red beans, this dish is a hearty soup that’s made from the combination of rice, red kidney beans and ham. It’s made even more flavorful with a number of spices such as cumin, oregano, red pepper, ground pepper, salt, onion and tomato sauce.

  1. Calabaza a la Parilla

Veggies are also great side dishes for roast pig! Cut a butternut squash or calabaza into cubes or slices. Whisk some vinegar and virgin olive oil in a bowl and then drizzle it over the squash. Season with salt and pepper then roast them on the grill until they turn brown.

  1. Papa Rellenas

If we love our Shepherd’s pie, Cubans love their Papa Rellenas. These are stuffed and boiled potatoes that are also perfect for grilled dishes. To make this dish, you have to prepare the stuffing first. It’s a combination of ground beef, garlic, onion and green pepper. The mixture should be flavored with pepper, cumin, salt and then mixed with vinegar and tomato paste.

  1. Arroz Azafran

It’s Arroz Azafran for the Cubans but we know this by the name of Saffron Rice. Instead of just cooking rice with water, it is cooked in a mixture of broth and saffron. When it’s cooked, it will be transferred to a skillet and cooked over medium heat. To add flavor to the rice, you can add salt, garlic and onion, too.

C. Desserts

  1. Chifles

The name may twist your tongue but actually, it’s just fried plantains. These aren’t sweet though because they’re actually drizzled with salt instead of sugar. However, they’re still considered as a delectable dessert by Cubans.

  1. Helado de Coctel de Frutas

Tropical fruits will always be a part of a Cuban buffet. Helado de Coctel de Frutas is simply a combination of fruit cocktail, condensed milk and orangey soda. Most people actually compare this dessert to ice cream. The comparison is almost accurate but you should know that this treat is a little lighter.

  1. Churros

Churros are cinnamon-flavored pastries that are paired or dipped in a rich chocolate sauce. I’m pretty sure that you are familiar with these because even malls have them!

I hope you loved these Cuban hog roast menu ideas. And remember, if you want to serve the most delicious roasts and barbecues, only buy the best barbecue grill in town! Get your La Caja China now by ordering through phone or through their website!

Lip-Smacking Whole Pig Roast Marinade Recipes

whole pig roast marinadeA whole pig should not be roasted without being marinated first. The marinade gives the pig all the flavors and spices it needs to end up delicious and heavenly. If you’re looking for marinade recipes, check out these mixtures we found online.


1. LiveStrong Marinade


Get 1 ½ cups of chopped garlic gloves and put them in a large pot. Chop three bunches each of fresh thymes, sage, parsley and rosemary. Add the chopped herbs into the pot where you put the garlic. Pour about 2 cups of vegetable oil, a cup of cayenne pepper, a cup of sea salt, two tablespoons of ground mace and a cup of brown sugar into the pot. Pour half a gallon of apple cider and another half a gallon of water. Bring all the ingredients to a boil. Once it has thickened a little, turn the stove off and let the marinade cool.


2. Food Network’s Citrus Mojo


Food Network posted a version of the citrus mojo recipe. All you have to do is to get a large bowl and combine the juices of 2 Meyer lemons, the juices of 2 limes, the juices of 2 blood oranges, 2 tablespoons salt, 6 large, chopped garlic cloves, a tablespoon of freshly ground black pepper, a tablespoon of ground cumin, a tablespoon of dried oregano and also ¾ cup of annatto oil. Whisk the ingredients well to evenly distribute the flavors of the spices and the citrus fruits in the marinade.


3. Three Guys From Miami’s Mojo


The Three Guys From Miami also have their own version of the famous mojo marinade. It is made by mashing three heads of garlic, a teaspoon of black peppercorns and 2 teaspoons using a mortar and pestle. When you’re done mashing the three ingredients, add in a cup and a half of sour orange juice, a cup of minced onion and 2 teaspoons of oregano. Let the mixture sit at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. Now when the time is almost up, get a saucepan and heat a cup of Spanish olive oil. When it has approximately reached 220 degrees Fahrenheit, remove the oil from heat and whisk it carefully into the mixture that you have prepared earlier.


4. Pig Roast Marinade With Apple Juice


Instead of using citrus fruits, you may also combine 64 ounces of apple juice, a cup of corn syrup (or molasses), a cup of sugar and a cup of your favorite dry rub. Just remember that the dry rub should be finely ground so that it won’t clog your meat injector.


5. The La Caja China Mojo


We don’t really share trade secrets but since we love you that much, here’s our La Caja China mojo recipe. It will give your pig roast a trademark Cuban twist!


* 2 ounces lemon juice

* 6 ounces orange juice

* 4 ounces pineapple juice

* 4 ounces water

* 4 teaspoons salt

* 1 teaspoon cumin

* 1 garlic bulb

* 1 tablespoon bay leaves

* 1 tablespoon oregano


We hope you loved reading our blog today that featured delicious whole pig roast marinade recipes! You might also want to read our posts about the adobo seasoning, the delightful mojo criollo, our malta recipe kit, the best Cuban mojo recipe and also our lip-smacking barbecue rub recipes! And remember, to serve the tastiest grilled dishes, only use the best barbecue grill in town. Call us now at 1-800-338-1323 or visit our website to get your La Caja China!


Check out our video that features our very own Roberto Guerra as he retells the history of La Caja China!


Lip-Smacking Whole Pig Roast Marinade Recipes first appeared on

How To Get The Best Deals On BBQ Grills

outdoor kitchen

Who can ever say no to promos, discount coupons and sales? Times are hard and we all want to get the most out of our hard-earned money. With that said, getting a new appliance, gadget and what-nots for 80% (or less) of their original price is a treat that we all unsurprisingly enjoy. In the case of purchasing barbecue grills, I’m pretty sure that most of you are looking for something that’s not only affordable but also one that you can use and rely on for a lot of years. There are so many brands, types and models to choose from and the problem with having so many options is that it’s harder to pick that one you’ll invest your money on. So if you want to get the best deals on barbecue grills, just follow these tips.

  1. Check online reviews.

If you want to find out more about the efficiency and quality of the grills you’re eyeing for, check online reviews. Customers love sharing their stories about their experiences on different products so take advantage of all the information available in the World Wide Web. You’ll definitely get ideas on which is the best to buy; which is a waste of your money and which has amazing features.

  1. Browse manufacturer websites and connect with them on social media.

If you already have several brand options in mind, visit their websites and connect with them on social media. Companies usually announce specials and promotions on sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so make sure that you’re connected to get their latest updates.

  1. Don’t forget to take advantage of promos and sales.

To get the best deals on bbq grills, you have to take advantage of promos and sales. Brands usually have stock take sales and they also take part in national events such as the ever popular Black Friday sale. There are also those that sell their products with lower rates on Christmas Day, New Year’s Day or any of the other holidays. Discounts can range from 5% up to more than %50 at times. Be careful when buying things on sale though. You have to ensure that the stuff you’re purchasing is still in great condition. Remember, you have to save a considerable amount of money but do not ever compromise the durability and quality of the product.

  1. Ask brands for discount coupons just in case they do have a current campaign.

There are brands that offer year-long discounts to customers through the use of coupons. Connect with your favorite retailers or barbecue grill manufacturers via social media and don’t forget to ask them for coupon codes that you can apply on your online purchases. You may even get discounted rates for barbecue accessories, too.

  1. Sign up for newsletters.

Newsletters are great for getting the latest news and updates from companies you follow. Companies usually send out e-mails once or twice a month, sometimes even weekly. If you want to stay updated and be the first in line at the launch of a promotional campaign, subscribe to their newsletters.

  1. Be aware of local sales.

Many of us do our shopping online but let’s not forget about local retailers, distributors and malls. While it is convenient to purchase things using the internet, doing your shopping in person also has its benefits. For instance, you won’t need to pay for shipping fees. You can also check first-hand if the product is damaged.

I hope you loved these tips on how to get the best deals on bbq grills. And remember, if you want to serve the tastiest grilled dishes, only buy the best barbecue grill in town! Get your La Caja China now by ordering through phone or through their website!

Tyler Florence Beef Brisket Rubs You Should Try


Tyler Florence beef brisketRubs should never be forgotten whenever you’re having a barbecue. These are incredibly delicious blends of herbs and spices that are not only alternatives to barbecue sauces but are also great flavor boosters, too. If you have been cooking briskets using the same seasoning or marinade, this is your lucky day. We’re sharing a couple of beef brisket rubs from celebrity chef Tyler Florence that you should definitely try at home!


I. Rosemary-Garlic




* ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil

* 4 sprigs rosemary, needles striped from the stem and then chopped

* ½ teaspoon kosher salt

* 4 garlic cloves, mashed




1. First mash the garlic cloves finely on a chopping board.


2. Combine the mashed garlic cloves with ½ teaspoon of kosher salt. Turn these into a paste.


3. Add the chopped rosemary and continue mashing.


4. When you’re done mashing the ingredients, transfer the paste into a bowl and add the two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil. Stir the mixture thoroughly to distribute the flavors.


II. Northern California Rub




* 1 ancho chile

* 2 Anaheim chiles, dried

* 2 chipotle chiles, dried

* 1 tablespoon coriander seeds

* 2 tablespoons fennel seeds

* 6 black peppercorns

* ¼ cup brown sugar

* ¼ cup garlic powder

* ¾ cup smoked paprika

* 3 tablespoons kosher salt




1. Heat a large, dry skillet over medium high heat. Toast the ancho chile, Anaheim chiles, chipotle chiles, peppercorns, coriander seeds and fennel seeds until they are fragrant. This should probably take about two minutes.


2. Once you’re done toasting the ingredients, transfer them to a spice grinder or a processor and run them until you come up with a fine powder.


3. Get a large mixing bowl and combine the brown sugar, garlic powder, smoked paprika and kosher salt with the mixture that you made. Stir thoroughly to distribute the flavors.


We hope that you’ll love these Tyler Florence beef brisket rub recipes we shared with you today. Check out our blog page to get cooking frozen brisket; the ultimate Texas brisket recipe and also other bbq recipes that will make your backyard parties more memorable. And remember, to serve the most delightful grilled dishes, only use the best barbecue grill in town. Visit our website or call us at 1-800-338-1323 to order your La Caja China!


Want to get a 10% discount on your La Caja China purchase? Watch this video to find out how.

Tyler Florence Beef Brisket Rubs You Should Try first appeared on

Tips On How To Season A Whole Pig For Roasting


how to season a whole pig for roastingRoasting a whole pig is easy especially if you’ll use your La Caja China! What most of our customers ask us though is the right way to season and marinate the pig. Well, that’s pretty simple, too. What matters is that the marinade and rub you’ll choose are indeed delicious to ensure that the roast ends up utterly satisfying. Here are some tips you should definitely follow.


1. Choose the perfect seasoning and marinade for your pig. While you’ll depend on your taste and preference when making that choice, you’ll find that there are indeed a lot of flavorful ingredients that you can play with. For instance, if you want the pig to have a Cuban twist to it, we recommend using a good mojo sauce and adobo rub.


2. Remember that you have to prepare enough marinade and seasoning to cover the entire pig. We suggest making a marinade using these ingredients if you want a Cuban mojo sauce:


                * 8 ounces lemon juice

                * 16 ounces pineapple juice

                * 24 ounces orange juice

                * 16 ounces water

                * 16 teaspoons salt

                * 4 tablespoons oregano

                * 4 garlic bulbs

                * 4 teaspoons cumin

                * 4 tablespoons bay leaves


3. Always inject your marinade to infuse the flavors into the meat. Inject on the pig’s shoulders and hams liberally but be careful not to make too many holes in it.


4. When you’re done injecting the mojo sauce, you have to turn the pig over and apply the sauce on its skin, too. Rub the pig skin with the adobo seasoning afterwards to make it tastier.


5. If you’re using sweet ingredients in your marinade or seasoning, make sure that you’ll apply it when the pig is almost done. You can also put the sweet ingredients inside the pig instead of applying them on the skin. If you leave the sweet marinade in the heat for too long, it will eventually burn and give your pig a bitter taste.


6. Never ditch the rub. Some people miss this part and just go with the marinade solely. If you want to impress your loved ones and friends with your pig roast, take the time to rub it with a great seasoning. To make sure that the herbs and spices will stick to the pig, you should apply the sauce first followed by the rub.  On the other hand, other barbecue lovers apply yellow mustard instead.


We hope that you’ll follow these tips on how to season a whole pig for roasting. Check out our blog page to get the best Cuban mojo recipe; acquire tips on how to bbq a pig and learn the importance of using a pig thermometer. And remember, to serve the tastiest pig roasts, only use the best barbecue grill in town! Visit our website or call us at 1-800-338-1323 to get your La Caja China now.


Are you a first-time user of our amazing roasting box? Watch our video to learn time-saving tips for your backyard barbecue!

Tips On How To Season A Whole Pig For Roasting first appeared on